Meine Liebste Saison im Jahr, wann gehts endlich wieder los

New Year, New Ideas

With the new year, new ideas pop into my head. This is great, the only problem with them is that they are around Christmas. So even if it´s already mid Jan, I keep working on Christmas ideas. I have found out that the only way to stay ‚in the mood‘ and keep them coming is by still having the seasonal decoration up. My husband keeps asking when we will be removing things, but they need to stay as long as the idea book Christmas 2012 is not closed yet.

New Year New Ideas

New Year’s Resolutions

When my husband took this photo of cookies in front of Grandma’s Pie shop all his good new year´s resolutions were gone. He thought he could stay away from sweets in Jan 2013.


Hopes, Dreams & Best wishes to You!

Do you have any resolutions for the coming year? Mine is to improve my knitting and crochet skills. And I would like to learn French. And I want to finish a real baking book. It’s never too late to try out something new!

Happy New Year 2013

It is time to pause, cherishing the old and celebrating the new year. Sending luck to our family and loved ones, bake some fortune cookies to warm the heart of a dear friend. Stepping out in style on New Year’s Eve, wrapped in a cosy huge scarf. 2013 is coming! Cheers to a new year!

Christmas Sweater Counting Challenge

While you wait for santa to bring you gifts make sure to take part in our christmas sweater counting challenge. Animals are counted double and if a sweater is owned since the 80ies you can even do triple counting.