Hier habe ich alle kleinen Geschichten rund um mich, meine Aktivitäten und unser rosa Haus zusammengefasst

Decorating Cookies with Rosey Sugar

After a sleepless night, counting the minutes down and totally excited, the day finally came: the cookie queen herself, Rosey Sugar flew all the way from Tokyo to Germany, just to let us join a tutorial with her….until the last minute I was not sure, if she really gonna pop up at our house, but, yes, she really did.

As you can see from our faces – we are just about to start with preparing the icing. EASY! and so excited!…we still do believe, that we can manage to prepare some pretty, cute and nice cookies today, well, just like the cookie queen!! – well, our skills in the baking area are not that bad, aren’t they?, at least we thought so.

Decorating Cookies with Rosey Sugar

Hot drink on the cold porch

It is freezing cold. But with the right equipment and a little bit of sun you can even enjoy a hot drink on the porch.

Hot drink on the cold porch

Cute Cottage Overload has moved !

After our move, and the production of our Moving Card (below) the main mission starts. Will we manage to attract ‚homeless‘ or ‚undecided‘ cats and convince them that this is the new place to be for them.

New House Moving Card

So far success was limited as only the daily served cat buffet is cleared without further contact. But we will not give up. Nothing beats the overview from the porch, we know cats. Sooner or later, they won´t be able to resist.

New House

The new home for Cute Cottage Overload is a wood house which came all the way from Sweden. It’s main structure is manufactured by a company called Karlson Hus and it was planned and build together with our local architects from Böhm Architektur.

New House

New House