Sunday Halloween Coffee

I decided to kick off Halloween week with the appropriate coffee. I love these glass mugs that come in different sizes and have beautiful lids with ornament holes in them. The coffee is, of course, best served together with freshly baked cinnamon rolls. However this time I made „cinnamon knots“ to honor a special holiday I have heard that they have in Sweden: Cinnamon Roll Day. I missed it and I am not really sure if it´s really a holiday, but do you really need a reason ?

Halloween Coffee

Halloween Cinnamon Roll

Scary Halloween Wreath

Seriously, would you try and eat that apple ? Looks tempting, doesn’t it ? I used this wreath that I already had together with a bit of black spray paint to turn it into a scary Halloween display. Just in case someone is hungry while passing by our house. Weird side effects guaranteed.

Scary Halloween Wreath

Crochet Spider Web for Halloween

As we move closer to Halloween, creepy things start popping up around the house. This morning I have noticed these spider webs in the garden. They must be from a very strange spider switching to orange crochet web style to fit into my Halloween decorations.

Halloween Crochet Spider Web

Halloween Crochet Spider Web

Halloween Crochet Spider Web

Halloween Crochet Spider Web

Pumpkin Carving

Normally I am really not into traditions, but every year when it comes to autumn season, and I see all the pumkins on the fields, I need to do three things:
The pumpkin pie, of course! it is already eaten, slurp!
The pumpkin soup, I like it with some cranberries on the side, yummy!
and: carving the pumpkin!

Halloween Pumpkin Decoration

This year’s idea was to create a scenery in the woods with some squirrels and a bambi. Some moss, mushrooms and rosehip. In the end, I was impressed how nice it turned out! too bad, that it is not gonna last for weeks until Halloween.