
Hier gibts jetzt noch ein Foto von dem Kranz den wir am Sonntag gemacht haben. Ich muss zugeben, das ich die Äste, das Moos & die Blumen schon seit Wochen hier herumliegen habe. Alleine konnte ich mich nicht aufraffen das Projekt anzugehen. Aber dann kam Nicole auf ein Kaffee vorbei & es war ne Sache von Minuten…mein Tipp also: Einfach ne Freundin fragen & zu zweit machen. Macht doch viel mehr Spaß!


Birthday Drink

For my birthday, I wanted to create a special drink. Non alcoholic, I mean. So I tried this rhubarb juice with peaches and melon slices in it. Let´s skip the spring and directly start with the summer.

Rhubarb Juice with Fruits

Rhubarb Juice with Fruits

Spring is here

Now, it´s official, spring is here. For me it´s a good enough reason to redecorate the entire entrance area. And did you notice ? The blue door has found a home, however I am sure it will only be temporary. There is also a little bit of easter already foreshadowing.

Spring Decoration

Spring Decoration

Spring Decoration

The Blue Door Project

It all started with a friend of mine saying that he had a vintage blue door that I might like. Of course, bring it on. So, a couple of hours later the door was delivered. But what to do with it ? Is it going to be a table or stay a door ? I don´t know yet. I was only sure that it needed some additional „vintage“. So Ina helped me trying to cover it with roses for it´s new yet to be determined purpose. I promise, I´ll let you know the minute I know what it is. Due to the perfect weather, it was so much fun finally working outside again, so we took some more pictures of the ‚homeless‘ cat observing our activity (aka sleeping) and our house in the spring evening sun.

Working on a Blue Door Project

Cat in the Spring Evening Sun

Our House in the Spring Evening Sun

Spring Decoration starts on the front Porch

Our mailman Marcel always knows that spring is coming when the first flowers start appearing on our front porch. However, I am not fully convinced that winter is gone yet, but a little makeover of the porch can’t hurt.

Porch Spring Decoration

Porch Spring Decoration

Porch Spring Decoration