The Porch is the Living Room

Finally it`s summer. No complaining, just countless days of sunshine. These days, our porch literally becomes the living room. So it needs a proper ‚lighting‘. I came up with this ‚chandelier installation‘ from a piece of a tree and a vintage bunting. The only thing missing is the cake. But let´s eat healthy for just one day. Enjoy the sun.

Summer Outside Decoration

Summer Outside Decoration

Crafty Cat

I wanted to have a cat in one of the photos of my baking book. The only problem being that the real life cat that I am ‚working‘ on is still way too shy for posing. So, I simply made this crafty one out of some very cute fabric that I found in Tokyo. She is now sitting on the porch, relaxing after the photo shoot in the kitchen.

Crafty Cat

Crochet Breakfast

For a yummy and healthy sunday breakfast, I recommend a decent amount of peanut butter and sunny side up egg on toast. In order to avoid too many calories, everything is done crochet style. But why am I doing this ? I just came back from a vacation in Japan and „crochet food“ is on a total different level there. I even bought a book about it. Of course, I can not read anything but the pictures are super cute and crochet patterns are ‚international‘. So there will be more crochet food coming your way.

Crochet Peanut Butter

Crochet Sunny Side Up Egg

More Vintage Lace Curtain

A couple if weeks back, I have worked on a vintage lace curtain for the porch door. I liked it so much that, with a little bit of free time during rainy German pre-summer weekends, I made some more for the kitchen windows. In the back you can spot the vintage bunting from the porch as well.

Vintage Lace Curtain

Planning a Yarn Party

I am always impressed with all the crochet things seeing on Pinterest. I need to work on my crochet skills and was looking for something really easy to start with.

Let´s Crochet

First thing were the granny square coasters with 2 colours. Couldn’t be too difficult, can they? As they turned out so nice, I was highly motivated and added some pompoms, during watching TV (you can always use pompoms for everything, right?).

Let´s Crochet

For the Apple potholder, I started as I would do a regular flower…with the magic loop and double crochets. Just added round after round until had appr. 18 cm. The green leaf, the apple core and the stem I added at the end. I think the last time I did some potholders, must have been 30 years ago. I am so proud about my work!

Let´s Crochet
The crochet edge for the postcards given me some headache, but after watching a tutorial, it turned out not too complicated for me after all. And now I can hang them on a wall, if i like!

Let´s Crochet

So I decorated the table for some nice pictures, showing you the results of my crochet weekend. I also added some things that my hubby’s sister gave me. She’s a pro. Maybe these pictures will inspire you to start crafting a little bit as well. Let’s crochet!

Let´s Crochet