PopUp Tearoom, I just love afternoon tea…

… and so does Silvia and Guido. When Silvia asked me, if I would be able to pop up our tearoom in her garden, a new idea was born and a couple of days later somewhere in Düsseldorf an afternoon tea party was held.

PopUp Tearoom - Cake Buffet

PopUp Tearoom - Cake Buffet

PopUp Tearoom - Cake Buffet

I went there with a car fully packed with cakes and cookies, plates, cutlery, garden tables and chairs with cushions and so on…I wanted that all guests feel welcome and at home at the lovely surrounding of Silvia’s and Guido’s garden.

PopUp Tearoom - Victoria Sponge

PopUp Tearoom - Carrot Cake

I created a cake list which should cover the sweet tooth for 45 guests plus kids. Besides the freshly baked rhubarb crumble I prepared delicious scones just in time for the arrival of the friends.

PopUp Tearoom - Caramel Bars

PopUp Tearoom - Blueberry Cheesecake

PopUp Tearoom - Cinnamon Cupcakes

Most fun I had was with preparing the stationery for this event in advance. I created a lovely placemat and napkin rings, different stickers for the cake buffet with Silvia’s and Guido’s name on it. And please look at the cookies in shape of a teabag, with personalized labelling as well. The kids just loved that stuff.

PopUp Tearoom - Placemat

PopUp Tearoom - Cookie Tea Bags

PopUp Tearoom - Napkin Rings

PopUp Tearoom - Apple Pie

No tearoom without beautiful flowers in vintage vases!

PopUp Tearoom - Flower Decoration

The response of the guests was overwhelming! They did like it a lot and I had to fill up the buffet again and again…it was a great experience for me and there was enough time to chat with some of the guests.

PopUp Tearoom - Stationary

PopUp Tearoom - Cherry Cake

When they found out, that I have the next pop up tearoom date already set, they told me that they won’t miss that date and wanna join again. The tearoom closed late that sunday, but it was a fantastic day for everybody! Thanks to Silvia’s & Guido’s friends!

PopUp Tearoom - Stationary

If you live in the Düsseldorf/Cologne area, drop me an email if you want to join a PopUp Tearoom event.

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