Pretty scary, but extremely yummie. That´s how it should be, right? For these Oreo Halloween denture cookies I simply had to start with home made Oreos. You can easily find recipes online. After baking, just cut it in half and put on the filling, which I dyed in scary teethridge color. For the teeth, I was lucky enough that I still had some mini marshmallows that I brought over from the UK. Unfortunately they are mixed, so I had to think about what to do with the pink ones. Do you have any ideas? I have one, hehe. As you can see, you need to be very fast with the marshmallows as during Halloween a swarm of mini bats can get attracted by sweet things very quickly. It was fun to play dentist for one afternoon.
The Scariest Halloween Cookies Ever
- Beitrag veröffentlicht:29. Oktober 2013
- Beitrags-Kategorie:backen / dekorieren / halloween
- Beitrags-Kommentare:0 Kommentare