Hippity Hoppity Happy Easter

Just before Easter my friend Dani from Danroeschen got her cute little baby boy. Of course, I „volunteered“ to take some pictures of him that should also turn into an Easter card. Great plan, but much easier said than done, as I had never done any baby photos before. Luckily I had some help from friends. Brigitte did the cute outfit and Farina took care of the „positioning“. In the end everything turned out very nice. So Hippity Hoppity Happy Easter from one fluffy little bunny to all of you.

Baby Easter

Dieser Beitrag hat 2 Kommentare

  1. Heidi

    Sehr süßes Bild . Wirklich gelungen :))

    LG und frohe Ostern wünscht Dir

  2. Sylvie

    das ist ja eine süße osterüberraschung, alles gute deiner freundin für das baby und dir noch einen schönen ostermontag, viel sonnenschein für dich! sylvie

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