Birthday Drink

For my birthday, I wanted to create a special drink. Non alcoholic, I mean. So I tried this rhubarb juice with peaches and melon slices in it. Let´s skip the spring and directly start with the summer.

Rhubarb Juice with Fruits

Rhubarb Juice with Fruits

Spring is here

Now, it´s official, spring is here. For me it´s a good enough reason to redecorate the entire entrance area. And did you notice ? The blue door has found a home, however I am sure it will only be temporary. There is also a little bit of easter already foreshadowing.

Spring Decoration

Spring Decoration

Spring Decoration

Yummy Ginger Cake

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Since years, this is my favourite cake. Easy to to make, with a warm golden color and a pleasant spicy flavor – just the right thing to enjoy with a cuppa tea on a rainy sunday!
I used ginger syrup, which my sister in law gave me as a gift. Unfortunately the hubby hates ginger, I do not know why. Well, who wants a grumpy hubby at home?? So I reserved him a thick slice of banana bread. This should keep him happy.

Ginger Cake

New Cupboard and Cabinet for my Things

For my upcoming birthday, I made it very easy for my husband. No searching and thinking, he just had to pay for a couple of new items to store some of my things. So we went to Amsterdam, to Van Dijk. For me, this is just the best „shabby chic“ furniture place around. Luckily for my hubby the drive is long and the space in the car is limited so things can not get totally out of hands. But what he doesn´t know yet, I am planning to re-visit soon.

Shabby Chic Cabinet

Shabby Chic Cupboard

Vintage Type Case Stamp Collection

Spring in Germany means spring cleaning. It´s in our genes, everybody does it so I had to do my part as well. But instead of the usual window cleaning, I came up with a very nice way to organize some of my stamp collection in an old vintage type case (yes, „some“, I am afraid there are more).

Vintage Type Case with Stamps