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Cookie Decoration with Rosey Sugar

Finally – the cookie decoration movie is finished, and I love it! As usual, it took my hubby quite some time to finish it (getting up every morning very early to work on the movie before regular work…and in the evening: sitting in front of the mac until midnight…)
But: even the cookie queen Rosey is now impressed of the movie, and what more can we wish for? but now: relax and watch three amateurs and one pro doing some cookies….

Decorating Cookies with Rosey Sugar

After a sleepless night, counting the minutes down and totally excited, the day finally came: the cookie queen herself, Rosey Sugar flew all the way from Tokyo to Germany, just to let us join a tutorial with her….until the last minute I was not sure, if she really gonna pop up at our house, but, yes, she really did.

As you can see from our faces – we are just about to start with preparing the icing. EASY! and so excited!…we still do believe, that we can manage to prepare some pretty, cute and nice cookies today, well, just like the cookie queen!! – well, our skills in the baking area are not that bad, aren’t they?, at least we thought so.

Decorating Cookies with Rosey Sugar

Croque-monsieur for Breakfast

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After Bratwurst and Sauerkraut we tried some total ’non-German‘ dish for our special guest from Japan.


Banana French Toast

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We love french toast. This is a new recipe that we have tried in little baking pots together with banana slices.

Banana French Toast

Valentine`s Day Card

A classical Valentine`s Day dilemma. Should the kitten get nothing ? (Un)fortunately a our house there are no kittens yet, so we can have it all. The card, the mini cakes and the Valentine.

Valentine's Day Card Dilemma